«Automatisiertes Labor in der Cementindustrie./ automatic Laboratory»

To the Management Information System

Performance of a totally integrated automatic Laboratory for the Industry to control the process for a high quality product.

Picture left: sample prepairing equipment room (yellow robot and two mills, one press and small belt conveyor on the front site of the press)
Picture right: X-Ray room to analyse the samples. Today we need to get high quality products, a speedwell frequently analysing laboratory to control the process optimum. In the last time we built-up and delivered two such laboratories to several Cement companies in Saudi Arabia, used for the cement production, even be used for similar materials.

General equipment you need:

automatic sampling systems

pneumatic tube system

sample receiving equipment

sample preparing equipments

robot and small belt conveyors

sample recycling system

automatic analysing equipment

manual sample support system

control cabinet

Automatic sampling system

A automatic sampling system, hybrid controlling, is installed in the plant field and taking continuos samples out of the main material flow. This sample material has to be collected in a container, after a setting time for instance a half our, a mixer mixed this collected material and dosing about 250 gram of this mixed material into the cartridge being in the sending station of the pneumatic tube system ready to transport the sample to the laboratory in time. The rest of the collected material will be recycled back into the main material flow behind the sampler, in the mean while the sampler collected for the next sample call, released from the main computer in the laboratory or manual by mouse click on icon. All automatic sampling systems have his own electrical and pneumatically control system controlled by the prepmaster central placed in the laboratory via a data bus connection.

Pneumatic tube system

The pneumatic tube system connected each automatic sampling system with the laboratory and supported sample material by cartridges instead of manual handling to the receiving system in the laboratory. This system is controlled by the main computer, called prepmaster in the laboratory office.

Sample receiving equipment

The sample receiver, controlled by the prepmaster, can be processing cartridge by cartridge. It opened and takes the sample material out of the cartridge, distribute the material in definite volumes into several cups on a rotating table. After finishing the distributing the cartridge will be closed and blowing back to his home position in the sampling station, whom is coming from, rest material recycled automatically.

Sample preparing equipments

To the sample preparing equipments belongs, at least one automatic mill and a automatic press.

Robot and small belt conveyor

A robot distributed cups with sample material, from place to place in the sample preparing room only. A small belt conveyor transported prepared samples in interaction between press and analysing equipments outside this room, even controlled by the prepmaster.

Sample recycling system

This system, fit out with a dust filter equipment, collected all the dust and overflowed sample material which coming up from the laboratory equipments.

Automatic analysing equipment

To get chemically results from the several materials out of the production parts in the plant, you need at least X-Ray equipments in automatic stand-by with the whole automatic sampling system. These results are interfaced to a production controlled computer and a management information system.

Manual sample support system

Manual token samples giving up in cups and put in a manual sample box, so that the robot can be taking over and bring this material to the request place to prepare a sample for analysing.

Control cabinet

To control all equipments in the laboratory area, we constructed a cabinet with all necessary electrical, electronically and plc devices.

Picture left: X-Ray equipment room. Picture right: Robot in action, he takes a cup from the sample receiver station table.

Picture left: automatic sampling system in the field, on front site the control cabinet. Picture right: two automatic sampling systems on the first floor between cement silos.

Picture left: small belt conveyor in front of press transported the prepared sample to the X-Ray, see picture right.

Picture left, production main control building and picture right, production line.
